Advent Retreat, December 11, 2021
Advent is a time of waiting and preparation.A time to ready our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Far too often it becomes a time of busyness and stress as we engage in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, decorating, and travel. Instead of rushing towards Christmas, we should wait patiently with anticipation.
One of the best ways to enter into the season of Advent is by prayer/retreat. We invite you to live the retreat with us (December 11, 2021):
PROGRAMA (Spanish):
09.00 a.m. Bienvenida
09.30 a.m. Diacono Lino Sanmiguel (St. Anthony of Padua, Chicopee) “Adviento con los ojos puestos en la Virgen Maria”
11.00 a.m. P. Jose Siesquen (Blessed Sacrament, Springfield) “¿Qué es la eucaristía y por qué es tan importante para los católicos?”
12.00 p.m. Descanso, Lunch
12.30 p.m. Jesus Joel Pedraza (OLSH, Springfield)“San Jose, el Hombre de los sueños”
02.00 p.m. Adoracion del Santisimo Sacramento (Diacono Lino Sanmiguel) Reflexiones y cantos de alabanza
03.00 p.m. Confesiones
PROGRAM (English):
09.00 a.m. Welcome
09.30 a.m. Fr. Stanislaus Achu (Holy Name, Springfield)
“What is the Eucharist and why is it so important to Catholics?”
11.00 a.m. Fr. Sean O’Mannion (Our Lady of Czestochowa, Turners Falls)
“St. Joseph, the Man of dreams”12.00 p.m. Lunch
12.30 p.m. Andrew Mercado (College of Our Lady of the Elms, Chicopee)
“Advent with eyes on the Virgin Mary”
02.00 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Adoration (Deacon Lino Sanmiguel)
03.00 p.m. Confessions
Thank you for being part of our community.
Fr. Jacek