October Raffle 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Anthony of Padua Parish,

In an effort to raise monies to increase and improve our programs at St. Anthony of Padua Parish, we are holding our 23st Annual St. Anthony Lottery-Raffle to be held during the month of October 2020.

*Four prizes per day will be drawn each day during the course of the month with a grand total of 124 prizes given out. If your number wins it is possible for you to win again.


Monday through Saturday: $50.00; Sundays $100.00.

OCTOBER 4th and 31st: The grand prize for these days is $300.00.

Plus, the number before and after the winning number drawn will receive $15.00 each.

The seller of the winning number drawn each day will receive $15.00

If you sell 25 tickets you will receive one free

We kindly ask that all our parishioners and friends get involved. This lottery and its profit are very important to the financial health of the parish. These make great gifts.

Donations: $25.00 per ticket 

Buy Tickets (October Raffle Tickets 2020)

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